PixelSnap is an app for macOS that allows you to measure anything on your screen with ease and to-the-pixel, by just clicking and dragging around the cursor.ĬolorSnapper a color picker app on steroid.
It lets you organize your menu bar icons, by hiding them, rearranging them, show hidden items with a click or keyboard shortcut and have icons show when they update. It can monitor just about every aspect of your Mac’s performance without taking up too much of your menu bar’s real estate, with CPU, GPU, memory, network, disk usage, disk activity, temperatures, fans, battery info, calendar and more.īartender is the ultimate menu bar organizer app for your Mac. IStat Menus is an advanced Mac system monitor menu bar app. In no particular order, here are the top 10 menu bar apps we think is a must-have for all developers out there. So, we have compiled a list of 15 must have Mac menu bar apps for developers in 2019 that can do wonders-from boosting your productivity and your Mac, or providing you with quick access to information.
But with only so much room available at the menu bar, around half of the screen’s space, you can only run few menu bar apps at once. Mac menu bar apps are these little apps that stay visible all the time at the top-right corner of your Mac’s screen, thus making them easily accessible and they don’t get in your way with like normal apps.